Excessive humidity levels have a direct effect on our bodies and our homes. In addition to causing discomfort, high humidity can also trigger allergies and disrupt your family’s way of life and well-being. Damp conditions are also ideal for mold growth, which can quickly wreak havoc on your home. Read on to discover some practical ways to reduce the humidity in your home.

Keep Your Abode Well-Ventilated

Ventilation fans cut down on humidity in your residence. They may already be present in certain parts of your home, such as the kitchen and bathroom. If you don’t have any ventilation fans and would rather not wait for a technician to install some, take control of humidity by simply cracking a window for a short time. This is arguably one of the easiest ways to reduce home humidity.

Run the Air Conditioner Frequently

Air conditioners naturally lower the humidity in your house, so it’s a good idea to run yours regularly to keep moisture at bay. Although this option could increase your energy bills, especially if you don’t have an efficient unit, it’s better to be more reliant than usual on your air conditioner instead of potentially keeping your home so humid that you end up dealing with mildew and associated issues.

Put House Plants Outside

House plants are a great way to add natural beauty to your living space, but as you may recall from middle school biology class, they release moisture into the air. That means if you have a lot of plants spread throughout the home, they may be adding significant humidity.

Invest in a Dehumidifier

Maybe you own some rare books, musical instruments or other prized possessions that could be permanently affected by excessive humidity. In that case, it’s a particularly good idea to buy a dehumidifier. There are many sizes and brands to consider, and you’ll probably be able to find a streamlined model that’s made for small spaces if needed.

Take Shorter, Cooler Showers

One look at the fogged-up bathroom mirror should serve as a solid reminder that the mere act of taking a shower impacts home humidity. To tackle that issue without adversely affecting your cleanliness habits, simply try and spend a little less time showering and make the water temperature a bit cooler. Low-flow showerheads can also positively contribute to your efforts to slash residential humidity levels.

By putting these strategies into place, you can effectively reduce your home’s overly high humidity levels. Even better, most of these tips are ones you can put into practice without delay or excess cost.

For more on humidity, read our previous post on how humidity impacts your HVAC System.

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