Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Indoor Air Quality Testing (IAQ) should be taken seriously in your home, office, and other indoor environments. On average, Americans spend about 90 percent of their lives indoors nowadays. Scheduling an indoor air quality test is a critical step to keeping your indoor environments safe by removing any toxins that might be present.

What Causes Indoor Pollution?

There are many factors that could be causing indoor pollution including biological pollutants, chemical pollutants, and combustion pollutants. Some common biological pollutants are mold, pollen, dust mites, and bacteria. In older homes, chemical hazards like lead, radon, and formaldehyde can be present in various building materials such as paint, plywood, and MDF. Believe it or not, but your indoor pets could be polluting your air as well. Your home and work environments should make you feel safe, take action now by having the air quality in your home and work facility tested.

We Have Solutions for You

We often think about outdoor pollution while driving past large factories emitting visible gas and other toxins, but some of the most harmful pollution can’t be seen and is found in the comfort of our homes. American Heat offers a variety of remedies for air quality control and testing including:

Schedule an Air Quality Test or Service

Get in touch with us today to find the right solution for keeping your indoor environments safe!

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